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Teaching activities at the town's Art Museum
The Mar (Ravenna Art Museum) educational services offer the opportunity to get closer to the reality of the museum and thereby become a protagonist of the creative process. From workshops for children to learning activities for adults, the museum offers a special opportunity to learn about yourself and about the world; this is always an original journey into the sensitive universe of creativity.

The activities of the teaching section promote research into the field of art, addressing students, teachers and educators, encouraging exchanges, discussion and collaboration with the town and its territory.

The Teaching Section's activities aim to promote knowledge of the Museum's Permanent Collections and bring the public closer to the temporary exhibitions offered, through animated guided tours and workshops, thus encouraging visitors to first become spectators and then protagonists of the creative process.

There are numerous thematic learning activities, conceived for the elementary, middle and secondary school cycles and designed on the basis of an activity that may be integrated with the school curriculum. 

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